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Weekend isn’t just for reading #WorldChocolateDay
Ever indulged in a box of Weekend Chocolates? For World Chocolate Day here's an extract from The New Arrival when Nurses Hill, Maddox, Lynch and Wade are enjoying a rare evening of gossip, Monty Python and chocolate. “‘Wade, you’re blocking the telly,’ Maddox shouted...
Is Mumpreneur a dirty word? Five pearls of wisdom for mums who want to run a business from home
Over the weekend I was featured in an article in The Telegraph on the 'Rise of the Mumpreneur.' Here's what I had to say: 'Childcare is a huge expense, but setting up a business is a struggle, too’ Amy Beeson, 32, from west London, is mother to two-year-old Ava. After...
Finally here…The New Arrival publication day charity book event photos
Sarah and Amy Beeson would like to thank all the lovely people who turned up at our charity book launch event on publication day of The New Arrival (27 March 2014). The Star Cafe at St Andrew's Church is a venue very much at the heart of this West London Community....
Come to charity 70s theme book launch, W14
Join us (Sarah and Amy Beeson) on the day our first book The New Arrival is published. We are having a 70s theme book signing and chat in West Kensington, London at 7pm on Thursday 27 March. Tickets are £5 which includes light refreshments and all proceeds will be...
To work or be at home? Talking motherhood with Harriet Scott on BBC London 94.9
I was very excited to be asked to join Radio DJ Harriet Scott and Olympic Gold Medalist Anna Watkins on BBC London 96.4 to talk about going back to work after having a baby. In truth, I was slightly star struck to chat feeding, sleeping and shopping with an Olympian...
Celebrating Christmas when you’re married to a Muslim
When we got engaged in 2008 lots of questions about faith cropped up. One of the best things we did was join the Muslim-Christian Interfaith Marriage Network. During the last five years we've progressed from engaged, to married to parents. So when Good Housekeeping...
Since you became a mum what’s your biggest fear?
Since becoming a mum and going freelance I regularly find myself walking into a room of women I don't know who are also mothers. What to wear? What time to arrive? Will anyone talk to me? It's like being the new girl at school. A huge amount of social engagement is...
Do you think good things are really worth the wait?
Why is it good things keep you waiting but bad things pop up all the time? Are you waiting for that life changing moment that will transform your life? In a modern world where so much is instant I'm starting to wonder if the expectation of instant gratification is...
Could you pick ten photos to tell your mum story so far?
It's a bit funny where twitter can lead you. A few weeks ago I was casually browsing on twittersphere while waiting for my nails to dry (let's face it, the invention of iPhones means a lot of us do social media in the bathroom to pass the time!) Any-hoo, I came across...
If you’re not enjoying it, you’re not doing it right
Why I’ve decided to try and do one thing at a time and accept nobody’s perfect. At the beginning of 2013 I started out on a freelance career – attempting to balance caring for my daughter, setting up my new business Wordsby Communications and writing the first of...