Book reviews, interviews and author news from Book Blogger Amy Beeson.

#BookReview of ‘The Butterfly Conspiracy’ by Vivian Conroy @VivWrites @Crookedlanebks #BookBloggers
The publishers promise a The Butterfly Conspiracy is cosy mystery and author Vivian Conroy delivers.
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#BookReview of ‘The Cottingley Secret’ by @HazelGaynor @fictionpubteam
The Cottingley Secret is an enchanting story that blends historical fiction and saga with touches of magic and romance. It's the fourth book by author Hazel Gaynor who is New York Times bestselling novelist and published by HarperCollins. The Plot Inspired by events...

Book Review: ‘Miss Boston and Miss Hargreaves’ by Rachel Malik
Sunday Times review: an ‘unflamboyantly effective tale’; ‘a surprisingly moving account of hidden lives forced out of the shadows.'
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‘A Cornish Gift’ by Fern Britton #BookReview @Fern_Britton @W6BookCafe @Fictionpubteam @HarperCollinsUK #BookBloggers
Read book review of Fern Britton's 'A Cornish Gift' and join us at our virtual Book Club on Facebook Live at 8pm Thursday 26 October.
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#BookReview ‘The Woman at 72 Derry Lane’ by Carmel Harrington @HappyMrsH @W6BookCafe @Fictionpubteam @HarperCollinsUK #BookBloggers
Read Amy Beeson's book review of 'The Woman at 72 Derry Lane' and join us at our virtual Book Club on Facebook Live at 8pm Thursday 26 October.
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‘True Love at the Lonley Hearts Bookshop’ by Annie Darling @_AnnieDarling @W6BookCafe @Fictionpubteam @HarperCollinsUK
We’ll be chatting about 'True Love at the Lonely Hearts Bookshop' by Annie Darling at our virtual Book Club on Facebook Live at 8pm Thursday 26 October. Read the book review by author Amy Beeson.
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‘Alias Grace’ by Margaret Atwood #BookReview #BookBloggers @MargaretAtwood @ViragoBooks #AliasGrace
'Alias Grace' by Margaret Atwood is a new series on Netflix. Amy and Sarah Beeson reread and reviewed the book and will be discussing it at our virtual Book Club on Facebook Live at 8pm Thursday 26 October.
read moreIf you’re looking for a book with plenty of heart and imagination to wile away those long winter evenings – this is it!
By Amy Beeson Being a working mum I don't get to indulge my inner bookworm as much as I'd like, but I made reading The Story of Fester Cat by Paul Magrs a priority over the summer and it was an absolute joy. I was lucky enough to be an Undergraduate at UEA when author...