So I got a tweet last week to go to a mums coffee morning, so I thought why not. I’ve always been a little bit scared of meeting up with other mums but that was the least of my worries when I realised there was a photographer there to take our photos and we were being asked to say a little something on what being a mum meant to us.

My first thought was “but I don’t have any make up on,” followed by, “get over yourself and just have fun.” And I did and so did Baby Bu.

If you’d like to share what being a mum means to you for the Motherhood Exhibition organised by Kensingtonmums then drop Dina a line.

It’ll be on at Beaufort House, Chelsea.
354 Kings Road, Chelsea London, SW3 5UZ on 7 June 2013 from 7pm.

This is a FREE event

Register to attend the Exhibition by May 18th 2013. You will need to email to pre-register as limited places are available.

Please email with heading Kensington Mums Motherhood Project to find out more.

I really loved the photos Juliana took.







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